eric delivers luxury golf travel to Sweden
eric has launched in Sweden, the third platform on the GolfTraveller network after Norway and the English-language launch site.
The new site, launched for eric client Sports Travel Group, features premium golf travel experiences, centred around either major tournaments such as The Masters and US Open, or around themes including culinary golfing tours to San Sebastian, the best Open courses in Scotland and Ireland and combining Singapore F1 with Asia’s finest courses.
eric will also be using its golf, food and travel expertise to deliver an ongoing content strategy for the platform. Fuelling the GolfTraveller ecosystem will be regular features such as interviews with golf architects, gastronomic destination guides, and big reads on golfing hot spots and the history of famous courses and events.
“We wanted the GolfTraveller platforms to reflect the experience of our products,” explains Euan Gillon, marketing director and co-founder, Sports Travel Group. “It’s not only the golf aspect, the events and courses, that should be world-class, it’s also the gastronomy and cultural aspects. We go to great lengths, using our network of on-the-ground insiders, to create itineraries that are complete experiences, both on the course and off it.
“eric’s knowledge across golf, food and travel help to tell the story of our brand, and all of our international websites have been delivered to incredibly tight deadlines, yet still full of engaging, relevant and informative content.”
More GolfTraveller platforms are due to be launched in 2020, accompanied by new content-driven campaigns across social media, email and print.
“eric has now been working with the GolfTraveller brand since it was launched three years ago and the values are very much aligned with ours in creating enriching experiences for discerning travellers,” explains Alex Mead, content director, eric.
“Uniquely, we have been able to help shape the brand right from its origins [including the brand name] to the considerable international growth we’re experience now. It’s also helped to position eric at the heart of golf and travel marketing.”
In the past year alone, eric has created ten bespoke websites for golf clubs and organisations across the UK and Europe. It has also launched the new digital magazine Golf Society on behalf of global scoring app Golf Gamebook which has already gained 42,000 unique readers.
If you’d like to talk to eric about creating discerning content across sport, food or travel, get in touch with business director Jane Ditcham.